3 Tips To Help You Buy Beef for Sale Online in a Cost-effective Way

Buying tenderloin meat for sale online is easier than most customers think. Beef tenderloin is seldom the least costly part of the cow, so, most customers feel apprehensive when they have to purchase portions of tenderloin. Getting a tenderloin purchase right is not different regardless of where you buy it from, be it a supermarket or an online retailer.

Bearing in mind the following points can help ensure that your beef tenderloin purchase is not only cost-effective but appetising as well:

i.                    Quantity :-
If you are cooking tenderloin for a group meal, then obviously you will want to save money on the whole deal. The average beef consumer consumes about eight ounces or half a pound of the meat, in one sitting. So, customers must bear this in mind as a thumb rule before they order their tenderloin.
Customers should always bear in mind when purchasing via an online meat delivery service that the tenderloin portion usually shrinks by 2 ounces in weight during the cooking process. So, if you wish to provide sizeable, filling portions, then you might want to take this into account.

ii.                   Cut :-
Beef tenderloin is usually obtained from three different sections of the cow- the head, the centre and the tail. The head is the steer rear end of the animal, for those who are not aware; and tenderloins always come from these three different sections.
Customers must bear in mind when opting for an online meat delivery that the head section tenderloin is best for steaks, the tail-end tenderloins are for large meal-sized steaks, and the centre-cut tenderloin is just good for roasting whole.

iii.                 Trimmed or untrimmed :-
Trimmed and untrimmed beef  have different price packages per pound. If you wish to opt for untrimmed tenderloin per pound, then it will cost you less, but you will have to filet the silver-skin and fat by yourself.

On the other hand, if you are opting for trimmed beef meat for sale online, then you might have to pay a little extra. Some might think it makes no sense to lose some meat and pay extra; but, you are actually paying the butcher to trim parts of the beef that is not edible.
Arming yourself with such details can ensure that you spend less and waste less food the next time you are ordering some beef tenderloin.


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