Four Factors To Consider When Looking For Quality Meat

Whether you need pork ribs, pork chops, decent hamburger meat or country ham, the experience of looking for good quality meat can be frustrating for many people. With the advent of the supermarkets, local butcher shops had almost become non-existent. Thankfully, due to the increasing awareness and negative aspects of supermarket-produced meat, more and more people have started buying meat from the butcher shop. After all, now you have come to know that a good butcher can hold the best cuts for you.
Before going to a local butcher, have a look at some useful tips for buying quality meats.
·         Look for a shop that butchers the whole animal
Although some butchers are more conscious about selling only grass-fed and pastured meat, not all of them focus on this matter. However, a butcher shop that deals with whole animals surely knows the source of their meat. After all, whole-animal butchery is a hard task to do. Hence, when a butcher puts his extra effort to do it, chances are he is better than others all the way around.
·         Check the color of the meat
Whether you go to the local butcher shop or buy beef online in Queensland, it is advisable to look for meat that is red. For example, if you find that pork is grey or beef is pink, you need to understand that the meat comes from immature animals and not from a heritage breed. It indicates that these meats will not taste as good as the meat of a matured animal. Then, it is better to consider buying meat elsewhere.
·         Buy properly hung meat
Although it sounds odd, properly hung meat increases the taste of meat. Once beef is dry-aged for 14 days after its slaughter, it goes through rigor mortis. On the other hand, if it were wet-aged, it would not taste good, as the moisture cannot evaporate.
·         Consider buying homemade products

Whether you are buying bacon, ham, salami, roast beef or sausage, you should focus on buying these products made on-site. This is a sign that the butcher cares about the meat products that are sold in the shop.


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