Facts To Know Before Buying Chicken

Chicken is popular in Australia. However, do you know what you are buying? Do you know the chicken you want for cooking and how to check before buying? Well, if you are unaware of the chicken meat sold in the Australian market, here are few facts to get some right information.

Why is chicken good for health?
Whether you are buying chicken from the butcher shop or online stores, it is an excellent source of protein and low in saturated fat. Chicken is also the source of essential vitamins and minerals. Eating chicken two to three times a week is regarded as a part of the healthy and balanced diet.

Do eggs and meat come from the same chicken?
The egg and meat industries are separate in Australia. The eggs lay by meat chickens or broilers are used to produce more chickens for meat. The egg industry uses different varieties of chicken which are bred for their great egg production. All poultry meat in Australia is grown locally. To save the local birds from diseases, raw chicken meat or living birds are not imported.

What are healthy chickens?
Hormones are not used to breed chickens in Australia for more than 40 years. The chickens used for meat are four times larger than egg chickens as they are grown ethically according to the Australian Chicken Meat Federation.

Ways To Cook Chicken
Chicken must always be cooked thoroughly. You can buy wholesale meat online and cook it to perfection. You can check whether it is cooked or not by sticking a knife into the thickest part of the meat. If clear juice comes out from the chicken and there is no pink part left in the meat, your chicken is done. Chicken should be cooked at the least temperature of 70 degree Celsius and usually takes an hour per kilo time to cook depending on the cut.
Which chicken is suitable to buy?
•    Conventional - The conventional chickens are raised in barns where they can roam freely. They are harvested at 35 to 55 days.

•    Free-Range- From 3 weeks, the free-range chickens can access the outdoor space. These chickens are free from antibiotics and are fed like conventional chicken. They are also harvested every 35 to 55 days.


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